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About the Drawing Process in Art

What is a Drawing Process?

the word process

definition: …a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end…(Oxford Online Dictionary)

Hello, my name is Rhonda Roth, and welcome to the Drawing Process in Art. My drawing instructors taught me that drawing is a process. The goal of this process is a successful drawing which is aesthetically pleasing, meaningful, and inspires the viewer.

The 6-step Drawing Process

small child at bottom of steps, drawing gets easier after taking the first step
Drawing gets easier after taking the first step.
Photo by Jukan Tateisi on Unsplash

Here you’ll find a 6-step plan for starting a drawing. These steps include selecting a subject, planning a composition, choosing drawing materials and paper, and picking a harmonious color scheme. This process forces the artist to think before starting to draw. Planning a drawing actually makes the mechanics of drawing easier.

Visit the Beginner’s Art Blog for additional tips on the practical aspects of drawing including shopping for supples, framing artwork, and more.

My List of Drawing Materials

colored pencils, drawing media
Photo by Zany Jadraque on Unsplash

Here’s a suggested list of drawing materials. These media are in the mid price range for name brand art supplies, and I use them in my drawings. I also paint with watercolor and I’ve included those materials I use as well.

  • Drawing Paper: Canson, Strathmore
  • Graphite Pencils and Charcoal: Derwent, Generals, Staedtler
  • Colored Pencils: Faber-Castell Polychromos
  • Hard Pastels: Cretacolor
  • Pastel Pencils: Stabilo CarbOthello
  • Oil Pastels: Sennelier
  • Watercolor Paint and Paper: Winsor & Newton, Daniel Smith, Arches

About Me

I’m a fine artist who loves capturing the beauty of everyday life with pencil, pastel, oil pastel, and watercolor. I believe the mundane is not so mundane, the simple not so simple. I have a personal relationship with each subject, and my goal is to capture its essence in my art.

My art instruction includes courses from professional artists including Brent Eviston, Jill Poyerd, and David Jamieson. I’m a member of Salute to Women in the Arts and Hackensack Art where I take pleasure in learning from other artists and viewing their artwork.

Exhibit my artwork at your organization and a portion of sales go to your charity. Framed artwork is also available free of charge to charities for display at their location. Visit Art for Charity for more information.

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View the complete Gallery including my recent work on my portfolio website.

All the best, and have fun drawing!